Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Size 8 Reg black suitcoat, $8

From purge

Size 5 Arrow sky blue dress shirt with yellow and navy clip-on tie, $8

From purge

Size 4 "Polo by Ralph Lauren" light blue and white striped (vertical narrow stripes) long-sleeve button-down shirt, $4

with bonus size 4 button-up white shirt

From purge

Size S (age 3-4?) Land's End red knit crew-neck sweater 100% cotton, $5

From purge

Size XS (age 3-4?) Gap 100% cotton cable knit sweater white/cream with navey/top stripes on v-neck, $5

From purge

Size 2T "Tip Top" toddler TUXEDO, $15

Size 2T "Tip Top" toddler TUXEDO with white shirt and black pants, jacket, bowtie and cumberbund. I have the pants very lightly tacked up a few inches past the 1-inch hem (which is why they appear so short in the photo), so there's nearly four more inches of length in these. $15/bo. Also, see matching shoes.

From purge

From purge

From purge

Size 12-mos "Happy Fella" boys' dress suit, $10

Size 12-mos "Happy Fella" boys' dress suit with white collared shirt, and "brown" pants vest and clip-on tie. The pattern is a black/tan fishbone sort of deal, so it appears brownish. $10/bo

From purge

From purge

Size S (3-6 mos) Old Navy Baby 100% cotton long-sleeve woven button-up blue plaid shirt. $5

From purge

$5/bo - Fantastic condition, ready for your little one to don for special holiday events. Need measurements? Please ask.